Swapping! Why?

Why do people swap stuff

Why do people swap stuff?

Before money existed, people would swap and exchange goods and services.  It made sense then and it still makes sense now.   Here’s why;

  1. Save money
  2. Make money
  3. You can save time
  4. Get the real value of your goods and services, not just the cash value
  5. Unlock the value in your goods and services and get more goods and services in return

These claims are quite  when in fact they are easily proven.

1. You save money

You save money by not spending money.  If you swap and barter goods, then you receive items that would usually be paid for in cash by simply trading what you already own. Learn more here. 

2. You can make money

If you can trade for an item and then add value to that item by refurbishing it using your skills, then you could seel it and make money.

3. You can save time

How many people have ever advertised something online and then either waited hours for the person to arrive, if at all? Or been talked down from your original price to an unrealistic price, well below the value of the item?  It happens daily.  If you agree a swap with someone then both parties are invested in the swap and getting the other item.

4. You get the real value of your goods and services, not just the cash value

Imagine this.  A young man buys a ute for work for $10,000.  The next day he discovers he is to be a father so goes back to the same car yard he purchased from to buy a family car for $10,000.  He is offered $6000.  He needs to go in to debt $4000 on the sale of a car worth $10,000 yesterday.  If he were to swap that ute for a family car he would not be in debt.

5. You unlock the value in your goods and services and get more goods and services in return

Too often we only speak of value using cash as our language.  The goods in your house have a second-hand cash value but they also have a trade, swap or barter value.  Same with the services and labour that you can offer, it also has a value other than cash.

So, as you can see swapping, trading and bartering are real options in the modern economy.  They work now, as well as they have ever done and you should take advantage of what they have to offer.

Take care and happy swapping! Click the banner below and you’ll go straight to SwapU.  Australia’s number 1 swappers marketplace. 

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