Tough times

How to swap and trade in tough times

When times are tough and the economy is slow many people are without work and without money. How do these people get what they need if they don’t have the cash to pay. Could they swap what they have to get what they need?

Ownership of items can limit our experiences because owning something means that there are many things that you can’t own due to lack of money.  If you rely on your possessions to provide you with positive experiences then it follows that there are many things that you can’t experience because you don’t own the possessions that allow you to experience those things.

When you look back over your life do you want to say that you are rich with objects and trinkets or rich with unforgettable experiences?

Imagine that you own a really nice car

You have spent a fair bit of money on this car.  One day you decide that you would like to have a boat.  You can hire the boat but you’d like to use it more than occasionally so that can be inhibitive.  You could sell your car but if you do you’ll lose money on the car.  You’d like to have both but you can’t because you can’t afford it so you keep the car knowing that you’ll miss out on the experience of owning the boat.

What if you looked at ownership differently?  What if you looked at ownership as owning not only an item but also an experience?  You own the car and the feeling of the power at your fingertips.  But you also want the experience of wind through your hair and the saltwater spraying in your face.  You own one experience, but you want another.

What if there was someone who owned a boat but wanted a nice car?

A car like yours.  They would like the experience that you have.  You would like the experience that they have.  Why not swap experiences?  Why not exchange your car for the boat?  Both will sit there and depreciate in cash value anyway so why not leverage the value that the item still holds in unforgettable experiences for a new owner. If this idea is whetting your appetite, learn how to swap your car here.


You might not want the boat after a year because now you have a love for camping and you’d like a caravan.  The solution is to swap it again.  Don’t like camping anymore?  Swap that caravan for a 4×4!  Why not?

If our original car owner had have bought the car then sold it to buy the boat and then sold that to get the caravan and then sold that to get the 4×4 he would be down thousands and thousands of dollars because he would invariably sell it for less than he purchased it for.  With an agreed swap this won’t happen.  The swappers agree on the terms of the swap and can even include cash to barter terms.  They both agree that the car is worth the price of the boat and more importantly they agree that the experience wrapped up in the swapped items is worth it.

Click below to start swapping today on Australia’s #1 swapping marketplace.

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